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1st Artillery Brigade Association

The 1st Artillery Brigade Association (1 ABA) is the association of the 11th Field Artillery Regiment RCA and is not tied to a particular geographical location although; the association is primarily focused on the Guelph, Wellington County and Hamilton areas.

The name (1 ABA) recognize that the first Canadian Artillery Brigade was formed in Guelph in 1880 as the 1st Provisional Artillery Brigade and its history is traced unbroken up to the current 11th Field Artillery Regiment RCA. The name of the association honours this proud history. All gunners and supporter of gunners retired and serving can be a member of 1 ABA upon payment of annual dues. Current dues are approximately $10 per year.

The current executive is;

  • President - Captain (Ret’d) Rod Pettigrew
  • Secretary – MWO (Ret’d) Don Bentley

Website hosting and services generously provided by the Artillery Support Group.

29th Field Battery | 11th Field Regiment, RCA | 7 Wyndham Street South
Guelph, Ontario N1H 4C4
Office : (519) 824-0351 x3244

11th Field Battery | 11th Field Regiment, RCA | 200 James St. North
Hamilton, Ontario L8R 2L1
Office : (905) 972-4000 x4005